
The rules we eat by

  • Written by Amanda
  • News
  • February 01st, 2018

“People who love to eat are always the best people!”

We are a small team…passionate, opinionated and always up for a good debate in house! But there are things that we ALWAYS agree on – introducing The Rules We Eat By…

1. Eat fat with every meal

Fat fuels our…

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How to smash your workout

  • Written by Amanda
  • News
  • February 01st, 2018

We’ve all heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen” and it has a certain truth to it. You simply cannot out-exercise a bad diet and if you are going to put in the time and effort to workout, then why not make sure you are maximising your results…

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So called "healthy" breakfasts

  • Written by Amanda
  • News
  • February 01st, 2018

We don’t preach at people – eating low carb is our choice and we understand it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but sometimes it’s hard to keep our voice in, especially when trusted bodies are dishing out (no pun intended) advice on healthy breakfast recipes that are packed with sugar.…

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Low Carb or Keto?

  • Written by Amanda
  • News
  • February 01st, 2018

Minimising sugars in the diet is always a positive and your body will thank you for it, but how-low-you-go depends on what you are hoping to achieve. The internet is full of confusing, conflicting and unreliable advice so here’s our simple low down on low carb vs low carb keto.

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Eat bacon, not facon!

  • Written by Amanda
  • News
  • February 01st, 2018

Today we have a bit of a bone to pick with the latest vegetable trend that’s been gracing all of our social media accounts. Vegetables masquerading as…bacon. We really, REALLY love bacon and no amount of dehydrating or baking is going to turn mushrooms or a slice of carrot into…

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High Protein vs. Low Carb

  • Written by Amanda
  • News
  • February 01st, 2018

It’s a common misconception that eating a low carb diet means you can chomp on masses of eggs and chicken breasts all day long. Low carb does not mean high protein – especially if your aim is to enter and stay in a ketogenic state. We personally don’t abide by…

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